Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Dé Marokkaan - Hoofdweg 642-644, 1055 AB Amsterdam

This is yet another one of the shops in BoLo that I am sooooo DONE with.
If you buy meat, you always end up with an extra, useless piece of bone and or scraggy flesh in it that makes it cost the same cost as buying it in any other butcher - totally defeating the object of going there to buy cheap meat! Plus non Muslim/Moroccans get shunted to the back of the queue with each aforementioned group's new arrival - with no apology and when I said something about it, the information that Moroccans/Muslims could expect (to receive) 'voorrang' (precedence) and  if I didn't like it Ididn't have to shop there.
Which is the issue, clearly these people do NOT WANT my custom.
I (as is the law now) have to ask and pay for a plastic bag, all 'desired' customers are still given one automatically and free of charge!
My last condemnation is the sliding pricing scale they try very hard to hide but not well enough - including me being charged more for yoghurt (no price by or on the shelf) and more per kilo for the loose almonds a) than it said on the ticket and b) than the two people before me.
How do I know this? Both of them were given receipts, which they left, I took them and checked my receipt against theirs. We had all bought almonds, we had all bought the same yoghurt, they had prices in common on their tickets, all my prices were higher and none of them were the same as anything on the other two receipts, though they had prices in common!
In short fabulous, cheap meat and provisions if you are in the IN group - shop at the Dirk van den Broek round the corner, on the market or go to the East for good prices if you are not!

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